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Scold, Reprove.—Hold up the right "G" hand and shake the finger at; the left hand is sometimes held down at the elbow or against forearm of the right while the shaking is in progress.

Wage war.—Hold out both "4" hands with fingers pointing toward each other, back of fingers up, push the hands to one side, the right following the left, then to the other side and vice versa.

Fight.—Knock the fists against the sides of the face, or before the face.

Command.—Holding up the left open hand, pointing upward, throw the forefinger of right "G" hand against it crosswise so the finger will point outward, and throw out forefinger forward as in sign for "tell." X, 209.

Order (to give a command).—Hold the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand at the mouth, under the lower lip, give it a slight twist outward as in "speak," then elevate toward the right side, carrying the hand as far out as the shoulder, and as high as the head, then turn the hand so the palm is out and throw the hand forward and down. The hand stops before it goes clear down and the forefinger bends forward.

Contest (between opponents, more or less bitter).—Hold the "G" hands in front, palms toward self, end to end, a foot apart; move both together toward left side, then toward the right side, keeping their relative positions. Repeat motion several times. X, 210.

Contest, Rivalry, Race.—Hold the "A" hands out in front, thumbs up, and side by side; push the right hand outward to front and at the same time draw the left back; then the left forward and right back; and so on, repeating the motion several times. X, 211.

Persevere, Persist, Continue in action.—Draw the "B" hands up from the sides, palms down, and let the forefingers strike together, side by side, with ends of the hands pointing outward; separate and strike together again while the hands continue to be moved outward.

Note.—The same idea could be expressed by signing for "suffer" or "bear" and "continue," but the latter would indicate more a mental action.