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(3) A slang sign often used to make the sign for "ghost" in a peculiar manner and very quickly, as follows : Make the shape of "U" with the thumbs and forefingers, extending tli3 other fingers; place the right hand above the other, fingers pointing toward self; with a quick motion draw the right hand upward and the left hand down, and while doing so close the ends of the forefingers and thumbs. This sign is used to in- dicate that something is done "on the sly." Tall. — Hold the open left hand pointing up ; against the palm place the right "G" hand, end of finger pointing up; push the right hand upward the length of the left hand and beyond. Short (in stature). — Hold the right bent hand out at one side indicating the height of the person described (real or imaginary) ; lower and raise the hand two or three times. Note: For "short" in length, see preceding pages; xor "short" in time, see under "Measurements of Time." Bright, Glistening (as to condition). — Hold the "5" hand out till the ends of the fingers come nearly together; draw the hands upward and outward toward the side, giving the fingers a rapid motion like that made when playing a piano. The idea is that the fingers represent scintillating beams of light. Or, (2) Using one hand ("5"), draw it upward from left to right, describing a semi-circle, and give it a waving or twist- ing motion all the while. XII, 244. Brave, Courageous. — Place the "A" hands on either side of the breast so that they are just below the shoulder ; in placin 5 them there first leave the hand somewhat open and as yc.i reach up make a grasping motion against the body; move the hands straight out from the shoulder nearly the length of th 3 arms; move the upper part of the body forward the least bit. XII, 245. Cowardly, Afraid, Timid. — Hold up the "5" hands, with palms out, as if to ward off some danger; bring the hands back toward the body with a downward motion and draw tlu body back as if shrinking I'nini imaginary danger. Lazy. — Throw the right "L" hand against the left shoulder. Idl e . — Place the thumbs of the "Ij" hands at the arm pit, and wave the fingers.