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The Story of the Golden Fleece

live on the hilltops, and in the high lakes, and water springs, and in the sky.

So they were married, and lived very happily, and had two children, a boy named Phrixus, and a daughter named Helle. And the two children had a beautiful pet, a Ram with a fleece all of gold, which was given them by a young god called Hermes, a beautiful god, with wings on his shoon,— for these were the very Shoon of Swiftness, that he lent afterwards, as perhaps you have read or heard, to the boy, Perseus, who slew the monster, and took the Terrible Head. This Ram the children used to play with, and they would ride on his back, and roll about with him on the flowery meadows.

Now they would all have been happy, but for one thing. When there were