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The Story of the Golden Fleece

her sisters. Now Ino was a witch, and one day she put some drugs into the king’s wine, and when he had drunk it, he quite forgot Nephele, his wife, and fell in love with Ino. And at last he married her, and they had two children, a boy and a girl, and Ino wore the crown, and was queen. And she gave orders that Nephele should never be allowed to enter the palace any more. So Phrixus and Helle never saw their mother, and they were dressed in ragged old skins of deer, and were ill fed, and were set to do hard work in the house, while the children of Ino wore gold crowns in their hair, and were dressed in fine raiment, and had the best of everything.

One day Phrixus and Helle were in the field, herding the sheep, for now they were treated like peasant children, and