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The Story of the Golden Fleece

and brought him back to the hall, and set him down at a table beside the king, and gave him meat and drink.

When he had eaten and was refreshed, the king said: “Now it is time to ask the stranger who he is, and who his parents are, and whence he comes to Iolcos?”

And Jason answered, “I am Jason, Æon’s son, your own brother’s son, and I am come to take back my kingdom.”

The king grew pale again, but he was cunning, and he leaped up and embraced the lad, and made much of him, and had a gold circlet twisted in his hair. Then he said he was old, and weary of judging the people. “And weary work it is,” he said, “and no joy therewith shall any king have. For there is a curse on the country, that shall not be taken away till