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The Story of the Golden Fleece

(the Danube) they rowed, through countries of savage men, till the “Argo” could go no farther, by reason of the narrowness of the stream. Then they hauled her overland, where no man knows, but they launched her on the Elbe at last, and out into a sea where never sail had been seen. Then they were driven wandering out into Ocean, and to a fairy, far-off isle where Lady Circe dwelt, and to the Sirens’ Isles, where the singing women of the sea beguile the mariners; but about all these there is a better story, which you may some day read, the story of Odysseus, Laertes’s son. And at last the west wind drove them hack through the Pillars of Heracles, and so home to waters they knew, and to Iolcos itself, and there they landed with the Fleece,