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With billowy passions will I whelm his soul,
Like rushing waves that spurn the bank's control.
Or has the ripe full beauty of a spouse,
Too fondly faithful to her bridal vows.
Ravished thy spirit from thee?—thine, all thine
Around thy neck her loving arms shall twine;
Thy dearest, jealous of another's charms,
Spurned thee in wrath when flying to her arms?
I'll rack her yielding bosom with such pain,
Soon shall she be all love and warmth again,
And wildly fly in fevered haste to rest
Her aching heart close, close to thy dear breast.

Lay, Indra, lay thy threatening bolt aside,
My gentle darts shall tame the haughtiest pride,
And all that war with Heaven and thee shall know
The magic influence of thy Káma's bow;
For Woman's curling lip shall bow them down,
Fainting in terror at her threatening frown.
Flowers are my arms, mine only warrior Spring,
Yet in thy favour am I strong, great King;
What can their strength who draw the bow avail
Against my matchless power when I assail?
Strong is the Trident-bearing God, yet he.
The mighty Siva, e'en, must yield to me."

Then Indra answered with a dawning smile,—
Resting his foot upon a stool the while: —
"Dear God of Love, thou truly hast displayed
The power unrivalled of thy promised aid;
My hope is all in thee—my weapons are
The thunderbolt, and thou more mighty far—