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Till, shedding purity on every side.
They sink at length in boundless Ocean's tide.
Blest is fair Ganga, for her heavenly stream
Flows from the feet of him that sits supreme,
And blest once more, mighty Hill, is she
That her bright waters spring anew from thee!
Vast grew his body when the avenging God
In three huge strides o'er all Creation trod—
Above, below, his form increased, but thou
Wast ever glorious and as vast as now.
By thee is famed Sumeru forced to hide
His flashing rays and pinnacles of pride,
For thou hast won thy station in the Skies
Mid the great Gods who claim the Sacrifice.

Firm and unmoved remains thy lofty hill,
Yet thou canst bow before the Holy still;
Now—for the glorious work will fall on thee—
Hear thou the cause of this our embassy:
We also. Mountain Monarch, since we bear
To thee the message, in the labour share;
The Highest, Mightiest, Noblest One, adored
By the proud title of our Sovran Lord—
The Crescent Moon upon his brow bears he.
His all the wondrous powers of Deity—
He in this Earth and varied Forms displayed.
Bound each to other by exchange of aid.
Guides the great World and all the things that are,
As flying coursers whirl the glittering car.
Whom good men seek with holy Thought and Prayer,
Who fills their breast and makes his dwelling there;
When Saints, we read, his lofty sphere attain
They ne'er may fall to this base earth again—