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Canto Seventh.


In light and glory dawned the expected day
Blest with a kindly star's auspicious ray,
When gaily gathered at Himálaya's call
His kinsmen to the solemn festival.
Through the broad City every dame's awake
To grace the bridal for her Monarch's sake;
So great their love for him, this single care
Makes one vast household of the thousands there.
Heaven is not brighter than the royal street
Where flowers lie scattered neath the nobles' feet,
And banners waving to the breeze unfold
Their silken broidery over gates of gold.

And she, their child, upon her bridal day
Bears her dear parents' every thought away—
So, when from distant shores a friend returns,
With deeper love each inmost spirit burns—
So, when grim Death restores his prey again
Joy brighter shines from memory of pain.