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C. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

P. Dominus vobiscum.

C. Et cum spiritu tuo.

While the Priest is ascending to the altar, take care the alb or cassock does not get under his feet; and here you may rise to kneel on the lowermost step of the altar.

P. Kyrie eleison.

C. Kyrie eleison.

P. Kyrie eleison.

C. Christe eleison.

P. Christe eleison.

C. Christe eleison.

P. Kyrie eleison.

C. Kyrie eleison.

P. Kyrie eleison.

After the Gloria, or, when it is omitted, after the Kyrie.

P. Dominus vobiscum.

C. Et cum spiritu tuo.

At the end of the prayer, Oremus.

P. Per omnia sæcula sæculorum.

C. Amen.

At the end of the Epistle say, Deo gratias, and rise to remove the book to