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trated with all those feelings and sentiments I should have, in recurring to this institution of Thy infinite goodness. Grant, also, that my first desire in approaching the tribunal of Penance, and my first motive in desiring to be reconciled to Thee, may be to accomplish Thy divine will. Purify, I beseech Thee, in the furnace of Thy own love, my poor, miserable heart, from all self-seeking and self-love; grant that I may, in every part of my preparation for this holy Sacrament, be guided by Thy divine Spirit. I ask this favor in Thy own sweet name, that name through which Thou hast promised to grant whatsoever we ask of Thee.

O Virgin, Mother of my Jesus, thou hast a clearer knowledge than any other created being of the excess of His love and mercy toward poor sinners; and thou knowest much better the ingratitude and deplorable misfortune of the sinner