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creed, of the commandments, of any of those things which Christians in your station are bound to know; despaired of salvation, or of the forgiveness of your sins; rashly presumed upon finding mercy; gone on in your sins without any thoughts of amendment, or depending on a death-bed repentance? How long have you been in this way? Have you, after falling into mortal sin, neglected for a long time to return to God by repentance; neglected your morning and evening prayers; employed prayers or sacred names to superstitious uses; profaned the holy Scriptures by any whimsical or unauthorized interpretation, or construction; profaned or abused holy places or things consecrated to God; believed in fatality, magic, dreams, or superstition; consulted fortunetellers, taken notice of omens, or made any other superstitious observations?

2. Have you trifled with the name