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III. The Precepts of the Church.

Have you broken days of abstinence, or eaten more than one meal on fasting days, or been accessory to others doing so? Have you obeyed the precept of annual confession and Pascal Communion?

IV. The Seven Deadly Sins.

Pride. Have you vainly esteemed yourself on account of your fine appearance, your riches, your talents, or your birth? Have you blushed at the condition of your parents; spoken vainly of yourself, and taken pride, even in your faults; taken delight in the esteem and applause of others; been ruled by human respect in your exercises of piety?—Covetousness. Have you given alms according to your means; had too much attachment to the goods of this world; deferred to pay your debts?—Lust. See the Sixth Commandment.—Envy. Have you been chagrined at the success or good