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my polluted mouth. By the perfection of Thy actions and the crucifixion of Thy hands, and by the painful weariness of Thy blessed feet, and their cruel piercing with nails, wash away all the evils committed by my sinful hands and feet. By the majestic innocence of Thy life, and by Thy unblemished holiness, wash away the iniquity of my corrupt life. Finally, do Thou wash away all the sins of my heart and my soul in the abundant streams of Thy most precious blood, that by Thy holy merits I may be thoroughly cleansed and henceforth keep all Thy commandments. Amen.


TURN not, O Lord, a deaf ear to my supplications; be appeased by the lamentations of a heart sincerely repentant for its sins. O that my sorrow could equal their enormity. O agonizing Lord, infuse into my heart one drop of that