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bounds, shall it be said that I abuse Thy favors to offend Thee? No, Lord, it shall not be so; never shall I be ungrateful. In Thy presence, O divine Jesus, and before Thy holy altar, I take a firm resolution to flee from sin, to avoid the occasions, and to strive efficiently to destroy that (here name the habitual sin which you strive to overcome) to which I am addicted and which is so displeasing to Thee. Yes, Lord; rather die a cruel death than violate the resolution I have taken of serving Thee with inviolable fidelity. I well know that my passions will again wage war against me, but with the assistance of Thy holy grace, I will fulfil the engagement that I have made. Amen.


It would be of no utility to examine your conscience, excite yourself to contrition, and take good resolutions, if in your accusation, you knowingly conceal a mortal sin. By receiving absolution in so un-