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remission of all my sins; and to accuse myself with most profound humility and contrition before the priest, thy representative, of all and each of my sins, in so far as I can recall them to my mind; nor will I knowingly hide any mortal sin, however vile and shameful it be. And I desire to include in this confession all those sins which I cannot now recall to my memory, and all my venial sins. And I confess them all to Thee, as to my great High-Priest, I beseech Thee, therefore, O most merciful Father, to look on me, a miserable sinner, with that eye of compassion wherewith Thou didst look upon Thy Son when He fell upon His face in the garden of Gethsemane, crushed to the earth by the sins of mankind, and graciously to hear me while I implore Thy pardon. And to supply what is lacking to my most imperfect contrition, I offer Thee all that overwhelming grief which