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grantest all things to prayer; and I possess Thee now, in the depth of my petitions. Give me grace to prove by my deeds, that my conversion is sincere, and that I desire to live for Thee alone. Deign to bestow on me those virtues of which I stand in need; a spirit of faith which will never forsake me; a confidence which nothing will be able to shake; a charity enkindled by Thine own; a profound humility; an entire detachment from creatures; constancy in Thy service; a most tender and special devotion to Thy Sacred Heart, and to the immaculate heart of Thy holy Mother. Grant me grace to approach Thy august sacraments with unfeigned piety; to come to the life-giving sacrament of Penance, with a lively faith, a firm confidence, and a sincere contrition, and to draw nigh to Thy holy table with a most profound humility, inflamed by love, and a heart hungering after that