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Show forth upon us, O Lord, in Thy mercy, Thy unspeakable loving kindness; that Thou mayest both loose us from all our sins, and deliver us from the punishment which we deserve from them.

O God, who by sin art offended, and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication to Thee, and turn away the scourges of Thine anger, which we deserve for our sins.

Almighty, everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy servant N., our sovereign Pontiff, and direct him, according to Thy clemency, into the way of everlasting salvation; that by Thy grace he may both desire the things that are pleasing to Thee, and perform them with all his strength.

O God, from whom all holy desires, all right counsels and all just works do come, give unto Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that both our hearts being devoted to the keeping of Thy commandments,