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with strength from above, that I may bear with a true Christian patience all the uneasiness, pains, disquiets and difficulties of my sickness, and that I may cheerfully accept them as the just punishment of my offences. Preserve me from all temptations, and be Thou my defence against all the assaults of the enemy, that in this illness I may in no way offend Thee; and if this is to be my last, I beseech Thee so to direct me by Thy grace, that I may not neglect nor be deprived of those helps which, in Thy mercy, Thou hast ordained for the good of my soul, to prepare it for its passage into eternity; that, being perfectly cleansed from all my sins, I may believe in Thee, put my whole trust in Thee, love Thee above all things, and, through the merits of Thy death and passion, be admitted into the company of the blessed, where I may praise Thee for ever and ever. Amen.