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The Ablution.

Lord Jesus Christ, who for me, miserable sinner, being dead, wouldst by Joseph and Nicodemus be embalmed with spices, and wrapt in white linen; grant me worthily to receive from Thy holy altar Thy true and living body in the Eucharist, and for ever conserve it in a clean heart and body. Amen.

After Communion.

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst, through Thy shut and sealed sepulchre, rise triumphant from the dead; grant me grace to rise from the bondage of sin, to walk in newness of life, that when Thou, who art my Judge, shalt appear, I may also appear with Thee in glory. Amen.

Dominus Vobiscum.

Lord Jesus Christ, who, after Thy resurrection, didst manifest Thyself to Thy beloved mother and disciples, to their great joy and consolation; mercifully grant me Thy grace that after this mortal life I may with them rejoice in Thy heavenly kingdom, enjoying Thy presence for ever. Amen.