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In the name of the Father, ✠ and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I adore Thee, O my God; I believe in thee, I hope in Thee, and I love thee with my whole heart. I thank Thee for having created me, given me the true faith, and for all thy gifts of this day. Grant me the grace to know my sins and to be truly sorry for them.

Examine what sins you have committed this day, thinking where and with whom you have been; and afterwards say —

O my God, I am sorry from my heart for all my sins against Thee, because I have lost Heaven and deserved hell; and still more because I have offended Thee, who art so good and so merciful. I resolve, with Thy help, never more to sin, and always to fly from every occasion of sin.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, in satisfaction for my sins, and for the wants of Holy Church.

[100 days.

Our Father. Hail Mary. I Believe.

Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation.

[300 days.