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premised, let us now consider in particular the devotions to be practised in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. — Among them some are to be performed every year, some every month, some every week, and some every day.


The solemn festival of this devotion is fixed on the first Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi. This day must be sanctified and consecrated to the love of our blessed Saviour by prayer, pious reading, visits to the blessed sacrament, and every good work; and therefore on the eve of this solemn day, prepare your heart by some act of penance or charity, for the reception of divine grace. On the festival itself, repair to the sacraments of penance and holy communion. At confession accuse yourself, and detest in a special manner your many ingratitudes and acts of disrespect towards the blessed sacrament. Your communion ought to be performed with so much the more fervour, as it is intended as a reparation