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those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


Most bountiful heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of prayer which I here offer, prostrate at the throne of thy mercy.

To whom, my God! can I address my petition with equal confidence.

Thy care watched over me from all eternity; in time thy indulgence drew me out of my non-existence; thy goodness preserves me every moment Of my life, and thy munificence supports, feeds, and nourishes me. But still, my Lord and Creator! I am environed with a world of enemies, who continually disturb the quiet and peace of my mind interiorly, and exteriorly assault my weakness and violence. I am tempted to cry out a thousand times in the day: Save us, O Lord! we perish. Open then a Sanctuary into