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15. I adore thee, inexhaustible Fund of Treasures! and to make a reparation for all the robberies committed in thy churches, I offer up to thee the rich and bountiful donations of thy devout servants. Eternal praise, &c.

16. I adore thee, O most watchful Advocate! and to make reparation for the many negligences of those who have any authority in the Church, to correct the abuses and irreverences there committed against thee, I offer up to thee the exact attention and careful solicitude of holy Bishops and Prelates. Eternal praise, &c.

17. I adore thee, O God of infinite Majesty! and whom we can never sufficiently adore and reverence: and to make reparation for all the impious oaths pronounced against thee, I offer up to thee all the pious discourses made in thy honour by the holy doctors of the church. Eternal praise, &c.

18. I adore thee, most hidden and most humble Divinity! and to make reparation for all the contests, disputes, punctilios of honour, and scandal; by which thou hast been offended, I offer