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associates, as a day of humiliation and atonement to Jesus Christ for all the injuries and indignities whatsoever received by him in the adorable Eucharist. Some particular acts of devotion, as the reparation of honour, the litany, or what else your own piety may suggest; some small sacrifice of your humour, victory over your passions, or mortification, may very deservedly be recommended; some self -denial, or alms, may be proper to take place on such an occasion.

6. All should, if they can conveniently do it, approach the holy sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist on the feast of the Sacred Heart: on this solemn festival, besides the ordinary prayers on such occasions, each one should repeat with new fervour the act of consecration to the divine heart, the reparation of honour, &c.

7. Besides the above-mentioned communion, two communions in particular should be yearly observed; the one in behalf of the living members of this association, the other for the relief