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an answer given by the same Congregation, Dec. 4, 1843, it appears that this decision applies to all the indulgences that can be gained in the course of the week. For some dioceses, where there is a scarcity of priests,—“db inopiam confessariorum”—this privilege is extended in favor of those who have the pious custom of confessing their sins every fortnight—“infra duns hebdomadas.” This privilege, however, must be obtained by the ordinary for the faithful of his own diocese.

II. Besides the regulations laid down in the decree of Oct. 6, 1870, about the communion, it should be noted that one and the same communion will serve for many plenary indulgences that may be gained on the same day, even though communion be prescribed for each one of them; but it is necessary that all the other conditions assigned for each indulgence be complied with, in order to gain such indulgence; as appears from an answer given by the Congregation, May 29, 1841. The same Congregation further declared, May 10, 1844, that “by the Paschal communion the condition is fulfilled for gaining a plenary indulgence occurring on the day on which the communion is received, and the precept of the Church is satisfied.” For gaining the Jubilee indulgence, a special confession and communion is generally required. By the decision of May 19, 1841, it was further declared that “the confession and communion made on Easter-day not only satisfies the obligation of the Paschal communion but also avails to gain the plenary