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fore draw me after thee, that nothing may ever be able to separate me from thee, who for me hast ascended that the Cross, and camest not own from thence, until thou hadst fully accomplished the work of my salvation! Amen.

Short and Forcible Prayers


I. O Jesus Christ, my only Saviour! let not, I beseech thee, thy most bitter Passion and Death be lost or deprived of its fruit in a wretch like myself. By all thy ignominy, thy most bitter death, and thy wounded heart, bestow on me thy grace, now and in the hour of my death. Amen.

II. O Jesus Christ, the crucified Saviour of the world! interpose all thy pains, thy precious Blood and Death, and all thy mercies, between thy stern justice and my wretched soul. Amen.

III. O Jesus Christ, good Shepherd! who feedest and purifiest thy sheep with thy own precious Blood; let the abundant outpouring of thy most holy Blood, and all thy Passion, be for comfort and salvation to me and to all sinners. Amen.

IV. O innocent Lamb of God! who by thy Cross and Death takest away the sins of the world; by thy innocence, thy tortures, thy pains, and anguish of thy Heart endured upon the Cross, spare me in the day of thy terrible judgment, and have mercy on the living and the dead. Amen.

V. O Son, obedient to God the Father! who so readily and cheerfully drankest the cup of thy awful Passion, and in thy thirst wast also given gall and vinegar to drink. By all thy most cruel torments and wounds, make me to be meek and patient, and obedient to the eternal Father even to death. Amen.

VI. O Jesus, our High Priest! who offeredst to God the Father a clean Oblation, that is fully effectual for the reconciliation of sinners to God; by the infinite merits of thy Life, Passion, and Death, grant that I may die to the world, and live only to thee, and finally be dismissed from hence in peace. Amen.

VII. O Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews! by the victory and triumph which thou hast gained over thy enemies and ours, preserve me from my enemies. Defend my body and soul from all danger. Bestow on thy Church peace and concord, on the departed pardon and rest, on sinners penitence