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doctrine, her communion , her orders, and her mission, by an uninterrupted succession from the Apostles of Christ.

8. With this Catholic Church, the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testament, were deposited by the Apostles; she is, in her pastors, the guardian and interpreter of them, and the judge of all controversies relating to them. These Scriptures, thus interpreted, together with the traditions of the Apostles, are to be received and admitted by all Christians for the rate of their faith and practice.

We roust believe that Jesus Christ has instituted in his Church seven sacraments, or mysterious signs and instrumental causes of divine grace in our souls. Baptism, by way of a new birth, by which we are made children of God, and washed from sin. Confirmation, by which we receive the Holy Ghost, by the imposition of the hands of the successors of the Apostles; Acts viii. The blessed Eucharist, which feeds and nourishes our souls with the body and blood of 'Christ, really present under the forms of bread and wine, or under either of them. Penance, by which penitent sinners are absolved from their sins, by virtue of the commission given by Christ to his ministers; St. John xx., and St. Matt, xviii. Extreme Unction, which wipes away the remains of sin, and arms the soul with the grace of God in the time of sickness; St. James v. Holy Orders, by which the ministers of God are consecrated. And Matrimony, which, as a sacred sign of the indissoluble union of Christ and his Church, unites the married couple in a holy band, and imparts a grace to them suitable to that state; Eph. v.

10. We must believe that Jesus Christ has also instituted the great Eucharistic Sacrifice of his body and blood in remembrance of his death and passion. In this sacrifice he is mystically immolated every day upon our altars, being himself both priest and victim. This sacrifice is the principal worship of the new law, in which, and by which, we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ, and with him and through him we adore God m spirit and truth, give him thanks for all his blessings, obtain his grace for ourselves and the whole world, und pardon for all our sins, and those of the living and the dead.

11. We must believe that there is, in the Catholic or universal Church of God, a communion of saints, by means of which we communicate with all holy ones and in all holy things. We communicate with the saints in heaven, as out fellow-members under the same head, Christ Jesus; we give