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with all my strength; that as every moment is an increase of my life, so it may be also of my love towards thee. I desire, with all the affections and powers of my soul, that as the utmost thanks are due, so they may be returned to thee, by all the faithful, for this divine food, which is our refreshment, support, strength, armour, and defence in all our dangers and distresses; and that my love may never cease, inflame my heart with the fire of heaven, that it may continue burning, till nature and corruption being weakened and consumed, I may be wholly transformed into thee. Come, O Lord, hasten to release me from the bonds of sin, and prepare me for the blessings thou art now about to bestow on me.

An Act of Desire.

As the wearied hart thirsts after the fountains of water, so doth my soul pant after thee, my Saviour, my Lord, and my God. It ardently longs to drink of those fountains which thy love hath opened for Its comfort and relief. Tired with my own evil Ways, I return hungry and thirsty, crying out aloud, Have mercy on me, O Son of God, and permit me to taste of thy banquet, that my soul may be refreshed. Oh, that my soul did truly hunger after thee, the bread of angels, the food of blessed souls, and that all that is within me might be delighted with the taste of thy sweetness! I here despise all human consolations, that I may be comforted by thee, my only good, my God and Saviour, whom I love above all things, and desire to entertain within my breast, with as much devotion and affection as is conceived by thy chosen servants, who now sit at thy table of celestial bliss. And however I may have been hitherto wanting in my duty, or unjust to thee, in displacing my affections, I desire for ever to renounce my folly and weakness, and from my heart request that, for the future, my joy, my relief, my treasure, and rest, may be entirely centred in thee. May I never desire any thing besides thee; and may all things seem contemptible and as nothing without thee, O my God.