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tracts me to thee. " O Lord of Hosts, how lovely are thy tabernacles! my soul longeth and fainteth" for thy possession; for " blessed is the man that trusteth in thee." Thou art the God of all glory; and what am I, and what should I have- been, hadst thou not raised me from the grave of sin? Alas! without thee, my soul is a barren hind, fertile only in the production of weeds and brambles; but with patient love thou hast come to my assistance, saying, " Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice, for I, the Lord, have done great things" for thee. Ah, merciful Lord! what hast thou left undone to secure my happiness? And now, forgetful of all my fast ingratitude, thou invitest me to thy sacred banquet, come, then, with confidence, because " thou art my God, and hast heard me, and art become my salvation." Oh, " what shall I render unto thee, O Lord, for all thou hast rendered unto me? I will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon thy name. I will pay my tows to thee before all thy people; for I am thy servant" I have strayed far from thee, my God, and thou hast displayed the wonders of thy mercy, by recalling me from my wanderings, Oh, perfect thy work of love, by preserving me from ever again forsaking the path of thy commandments; " teach me to do thy will," and strengthen me to fulfil it perfectly.

Humbled, O Lord, at the view of my many miseries, and convinced of my weakness; yet. animated with a sincere desire to employ the remainder of my years in repairing my past ingratitude; I fervently implore thy powerful assistance, for, " strengthened by thee, I can all things;" with humble confidence I approach thy altar, "for with thee is the fountain of life, and in thy light I shall see light." Come, then, O blessed Jesus, to take possession of my heart:, in thy adorable sacrament. Come, and give efficacy to my resolution, of firing henceforth but for thee, and of devoting all my faculties to the promotion of thy glory. Establish thy dwelling in my soul, that, fertilised by the dew of thy grace, it may produce a rich harvest of holiness and virtue. May thy love be the end of my existence, and the only motive of all my actions; may it be my guide