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umphed over their enemies, done justice, and obtained the promises.

Of Hope.

I, adore thy infinite greatness, O divine Majesty, whe fillest both heaven and earth, and art adored by all the blessed spirits, angels, and saints, who, without ceasing, praise and cry out before thee, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth." Is it possible thou shouldst condescend to visit the mo# unworthy of all thy servants, and desire to dwell with him? If the heavens, nay, the heaven of heavens, cannot contain thee, how much less this habitation, which I have prepared for thy reception Thou knowest, O Blessed Jesus, how to conceal the dazzling splendour of thy; glory, and condescend to oar weak capacity, that so thou mayest communicate thyself to us the more freely. This thou didst not only at the time of thy adorable incarnation, when thou madest thyself like to the more forcibly to attract our love to thee; but also when thou didst institute this mystery, wherein thou gavest thyself to us for, the food and nourishment of our souls, the more closely to unite us to thyself, and, make us aspire to that celestial banquet thou hast prepared for the blessed in heaven. ' O God grant me the grace so eagerly to long after this eternal banquet, that the desire of hereafter enjoying it may make me despise all the goods and pleasures of this life, and labour , incessantly to prepare myself, till I am happily admitted amongst its guests. I now desire to wean my heart , entirely from all irregular and corrupt affections, that I may place my whole love and confidence in thee alone. For this end I am firmly resolved to watch over all my actions, to flee from sin and avoid whatever may be displeasing to thee, I will labour to work out my salvation by observing thy precepts, and as I have resolved, so I hone to be faithful to thee; but this resolution I acknowledge myself unable to perform without the help of thy grace, which I most humbly implore. o Jesus, save me; conduct me through the ways of thy commandments, in which I now begin to walk,