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past! how greatly have I sinned against thee ! I acknowledge my iniquity, and my sin is always before me. But I repent, O Lord, I repent. I am heartily sorry that I have lost that time in offending thee which thou gavest me to be employed in thy service, in advancing the good of my own soul, and obtaining everlasting life. I detest all the sins which I have committed against thy divine Majesty, and I resolve never to commit them any more.

I am sorry, above all things, that I have offended thee, because thou art infinitely good, and sin is infinitely displeasing to thee. I love thee with my whole heart,—at least I desire so to do; and I firmly purpose, by the help of thy grace, to serve thee more faithfully for the time to come.

Receive, I beseech thee, the offering I now make to thee of the remainder of my life. I renew the vows and promises made in my baptism. I renounce the devil, and all his works; the world, and all its pomps. I now begin, and will endeavour to spend this day according to thy holy will, performing all my actions so that they may be pleasing unto thee. I will take particular care to avoid the failings I am so apt to commit, and to exercise the virtues most agreeable to my state and employment.

4. An Oblation.

I offer to thee, O my God, the life and death of thy only Son; and with them these my affections and resolutions, my thoughts, words, deeds, and sufferings of this day, and of all my life, in honour of thy adorable Majesty; in thanksgiving for all thy benefits, in satisfaction for my sins, and to obtain the assistance of thy grace; that, persevering to the end in doing thy holy will, I may love and enjoy thee for ever in thy glory.

5. A Petition.

Thou knowest, O God, how weak and unable I am to do good. Leave me not to myself, but take me under thy protection, and give me grace faithfully to comply with these holy resolutions. Enlighten my understanding with a lively faith, raise up my will to a firm hope,