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Whose Name is above every name,

"Who upholdest all things by the word of thy power,

Beginning of the creation of God,

First-born of every creature.

First-born among many brethren,

Heir of all things,

Flower of the field, and Lily of the valleys,

Bud of justice,

Angel of the Lord,

Angel of the Testament,

Star arisen out of Jacob,

Lion of the tribe of Judah,

Rod of Jesse,

Son of David,

Son of man,

Jesus of Nazareth,

Meek and humble of heart,

Good Shepherd, who givest thy life for thy sheep,

Shepherd and Bishop of our souls,

Saint of saints,

Prince of pastors,

Great Prophet, mighty in word and work,

Who wast sent to preach the gospel to the poor,

The Lord our lawgiver,

Light of the world,

True Light, which enlightenest every man that cometh Into the world,

Key of David,

Ark of the testament,

Living Stone, elect of God,

Stone that art become the head of the corner,

Stone of foundation laid in the midst of Sion,

Prince of the kings of the earth,

Master and Lord,

King of kings and Lord of lords,

Man of sorrows, acquainted with infirmity,

Who hast truly borne our infirmities,

By whose bruises we are healed,

Lamb without blemish,

Lamb slain from the beginning of the world,

Our Prince and Saviour,

Our Lord and our God,

Salvation of God sent to the Gentiles,

The Propitiation for our sins,

The Apostle and High Priest of our confession,

The one Mediator between God and man,

Mediator of the New Testament,

Author and Finisher of faith,

First-begotten of the dead,

The Resurrection and the Life,

The Pasch and nourishment of our souls,

Who hast the keys of death and hell,

Our Advocate with the Father,

The Temple and the Lamp of the holy city,

Hope of mortals,

Tree of life,

Light of life,

Fountain of life,

The Beginning and the End,

Judge of the living and the dead,

God blessed for ever,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

Graciously hear us, O Lord.