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St. John, in Thy place, saying unto her, "Woman, behold thy son!" and after, to Thy disciple, "Behold thy mother!" O most sweet Lord Jesus, by that sword which did then transpierce her sacred soul; and by that tender love and compassion wherewith Thou didst behold the sad distress of Thy sorrowful Mother, have pity and compassion on me, I beseech Thee, my dearest Lord, and mercifully help, comfort, succor, and assist me in all my tribulations, adversities, necessities, sorrows, and sufferings, both spiritual and corporal. Amen.

O most blessed Lord Jesus, be propitious to me, a sinner. &c.

The Agnus Dei

An Agnus Dei (so called from the image of the Lamb of God impressed on the face of it) is made of ' virgin wax, balsam, and chrism, blessed according to the form prescribed in the Roman Ritual.

The: Pope consecrates the Agnus Dei the first year of his pontificate, and afterwards every seventh year, on Saturday before Low Sunday, with many solemn ceremonies and devout prayers.

The use of the Agnus Dei is very ancient. Pope Leo III. made a present of one to the Emperor Charlemagne, who received it as a treasure sent from heaven, and reverenced it with a singular piety and devotion.

A Prayer to be daily said by those who carry, about them an Agnus Dei.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb who taketh away the sins of the world; by thy mercy, which is infinite, pardon my iniquities, and, by thy sacred Passion, preserve me this day from all sin and evil. I carry about me this holy Agnus in thine honour, as a preservative against mine own weakness, and as an incentive to the practice of that meekness, humility and innocence which thou hast taught us. I offer myself up to thee as an entire oblation, and in memory of that sacrifice of love which thou didst offer for me on the cross, and in satisfaction for my sins. Accept this oblation, I beseech thee, O my God; and may it be acceptably to thee in the odour of sweetness. Amen.