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At 3 o'clock.

Whilst Jesus is insulted in the prison, he is also denied by St. Peter for the third time.

Admire the profound sorrow of Jesus on seeing himself forsaken by all his disciples, and beholding the cowardice of St. Peter, and the malice with which the Jews bandage his eyes, and strike him and turn him into ridicule.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst vouchsafe by one look of compassion to touch the heart of thy disciple  ; oh, do thou pierce mine with love and sorrow for my sins. I unite all my actions and all my sufferings to this adorable mystery; and I beseech thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to remember me at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At 4 o'clock.

Jesus, summoned before the great council, is declared worthy of death.

Admire the modesty and the patience of our divine Saviour.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst choose by thy silence to suffer the opprobium of passing for a blasphemer and for a criminal worthy of death. I adore thee, O Eternal Word, and I unite all my actions and all my sufferings to this adorable mystery; I beseech thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to remember me at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At 5 o'clock.

Jesus is led before Pilate, in whose presence he is accused.

Salute him, and adore him as your Master, your Saviour, and your King.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst vouchsafe, for the love of us, to suffer this fresh outrage. I unite all my actions and all my sufferings to this adorable mystery; and I beseech thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to remember me at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At 6 o'clock.

Jesus, in the presence of Herod, is clothed in a white robe, and treated as a fool.

Adore the Son of God, in whom his divine power is thus veiled.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which