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thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to remember xne at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At 10 o'clock.

Pilate condemns Jesus to death, and abandons him to the cruelty of the Jews.

Adore the Holy of holies, treated as a criminal, and led to Calvary with the cross on his shoulders.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst vouchsafe, for the love of us, to be condemned to death, and delivered up to thy cruel enemies. Thou didst then walk laden with a heavy cross, in order to help me to carry mine with patience; I thank thee for it, I unite all my actions and all my sufferings to this adorable mystery; and I beseech thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to vouchsafe to remember me at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At 11 o'clock.

Jesus is stripped of his garments and fastened to the cross.

Adore this divine Lamb, immolated as a victim on the altar of the cross.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst choose to be stripped of thy garments and sacrificed as a lamb that is slain, to be offered in holocaust; oh, give me a heart capable of returning this great love! I unite all my actions and all my sufferings to this adorable mystery; and I beseech thee, through thy divine merits, O Jesus, to remember me at the hour of my death, and to grant me pardon and mercy.

At Noon.

Jesus prays for his executioners, and promises paradise to the good thief.

Adore the divine Shepherd, who gives his life for his sheep.

Blessed be the hour, O my Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou didst vouchsafe to give thyself up as a victim of expiation for us; oh, may thy cross soften thy judgment, and comfort my soul at the hour of my death! I unite