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Mother dearest! Mother fairest!
Maiden purest! Maiden rarest !
Help of earth and joy of Heaven !
Love and praise to thee be given,
Blissful Mother! blissful Maiden !

Let us unite our affections with the blessed choir of Principalities, and say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory, in thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for all the gifts and graces bestowed upon our dear Mother, the Queen of Angels.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.


O Help of Christians! mercy-laden ;
O blissful Mother! blissful Maiden!
O Sinless ! were it not for thee,
There were in faith no liberty
To hold that God could stoop so low,
Or love his sinful creatures so.

  Mother dearest ! Mother fairest !
  Maiden purest! Maiden rarest!
  Help of earth and joy of Heaven!
  Love and praise to thee be given,
  Blissful Mother! blissful Maiden!

Let us unite our affections with the blessed choir of Archangels, and say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory, in thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for all the gifts and graces bestowed upon our dear Mother, the Queen of Angels.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.


O Mary ! when we think of thee,
Our hearts grow light as light can be ;
For thou hast felt as we have felt,
And thou hast knelt as we have knelt ;
And so it is, that utterly,
Mother of God, we trust in thee.

Mother dearest! Mother fairest!
Maiden purest! Maiden rarest!
Help of earth and joy of Heaven!
Love and praise to thee be given.
Blissful Mother! blissful Maiden!

Let us unite our affections with the blessed choir of Angels, and say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory, in thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for all the gifts