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of my own sins, and for the assistance of the suffering souls in purgatory.

O sweet Jesus ! enclose in thy Sacred Heart all the members of this Association; grant that, faithfully observing the precepts of thy law, and fulfilling the duties proper to their condition, they may be more and more inflamed with the fire of thy divine love. Amen.

Received at _________________________

on this _________________________ day of _________________________

_________________________ Director.


The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament.

This Confraternity was established at Rome about the commencement of the 16th century; its object being to pay especial honour to Jesus Christ in the sacrament of his love, and to make reparation for the injuries committed against him therein.

The associates engage — 1 . To promote, by every means, the reverence due to the Blessed Sacrament. 2. To assist at processions in honour of it. 3. To make offerings of candles, &c. for its altar. 4. To say five " Our Fathers," and five " Hail Marys " every week in honour of it. 5. To accompany the Blessed Sacrament to the sick, or to say instead five " Our Fathers" and five " Hail Marys."

The indulgences attached to the Confraternity are — 1. A plenary indulgence, in the form of Jubilee (with the usual conditions), on the day of admission ; also three times during life. 2. A plenary indulgence for assisting at the procession in the octave of Corpus Christi, or, where unable to assist in person, for uniting in spirit with the same object ; also at the hour of death, on invoking, at least mentally, the holy name of Jesus. 3. An indulgence of seven years and seven guadragence (with the usual conditions) on the feast of Corpus Christi, also on Maunday-Thursday, on condition of confession, &c, and assisting at the procession. 4. An in-