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at thy feet we adore thee with the deepest veneration of our soul; and in order to make thee recompense for the outrages which thy divine Heart daily receives in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar, we unite ourselves with the hearts of all those who love thee and give thee tender thanks. We love in thy . divine Heart its incomprehensible fire of love towards thy eternal Father; and we entreat thee to inflame our hearts with ardent charity towards thee and towards our neighbours.

Our Father, &c.

Lastly, O most loving Jesu, we entreat thee, by the sweetness of thy divine Heart, to convert the sinner, to console the afflicted, to help the dying, to lighten the pains of the souls in purgatory. Make all our hearts one in the bonds of true peace and charity, deliver us from sudden and unforeseen death, and grant us a death which shall be holy and peaceful. Amen.

V. Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us.

R. Inflame our hearts with love of thee.

Let us pray.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we who glory in the most sacred Heart of thy well-beloved Son, and call to mind the great benefits of his heavenly charity towards us, may be gladdened by the operation and fruit of those graces in our souls; through the same Christ our Lord.

Indulgences: 300 days each time; plenary once a month, on the usual conditions.

Acts of Adoration and Reparation

To Jesus in the blessed Sacrament.

1. I adore thee profoundly, my Jesus, in the blessed Sacrament; I acknowledge thee true God and true man. By this my act of adoration I intend to make thee reparation for the coldness of so many of thy people, who pass before thy churches, nay, before thy very tabernacle, where hour after hour thou dost deign to dwell in loving impatience to communicate thyself to thy faithful; yet do not even bow the knee before thee, but, like the Israelites