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5. I adore thee profoundly, my Jesus, true victim of expiation for our sins; and I offer thee this act of adoration in compensation for the sacrilegious outrages thou dost receive from so many of thy ungrateful people, who dare to draw nigh to thee and receive thee in communion with mortal din upon their souls. In reparation for these hateful sacrileges, I offer thee those last drops of thy most precious blood which thou didst shed from the wound in thy side; and, entering therein, I approach thee with acts of adoration, love, and thanksgiving, and, with all holy souls who are devout to thee in the most holy Sacrament, I say:

Blessed and praised, &c.; Our Father, &c

Tantum ergo, Panem de coelo, Deus qui nobis, mus at Benediction, p. 415

An indulgence of 390 days, every time the above are said devoutly, with five Pater nosteus, five Ave Marias , and five Gloria Patris, &c.

Reparation and Ejaculations


Jesus, my God, my Saviour, true God and true man, with that most profound homage with which the faith itself inspires me, I adore and love thee with my whole heart, enclosed in the most august Sacrament of the Altar, in reparation for all the acts of irreverence, profanation, and sacrilege, which I may ever have been so unhappy as to have committed, as well as for all suchlike acts that ever have been done, or which may be done, though God forbid they should be, in ages yet to come. I adore thee, therefore, my God, not indeed as thou deservest, nor as much as I am bound to adore, but as far as I am able; and I would that I could adore thee with all the perfection of which a reasonable creature is capable. Meantime I purpose now and ever to adore thee, not only for those Catholics who adore thee not, and love thee not, but also in the stead of, and for the conversion of, all heretics, schismatics, impious atheists, blasphemers, sorcerers, Turks, Jews, and idolaters. Jesus, my God, mayest thou be ever known, adored, loved, and