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from perishing. " From this riven Heart;" says St. Cyprian, "gushes forth that living water which springs up evermore into eternal life," " The Heart of Jesus," says St Bernardine, " is a furnace of most glowing love, which must set the whole universe of God on fire." St. Peter Damian calls this Heart the universal treasury of wisdom, and knowledge; St. Francis of Sales speaks of it as the source and spring of all graces; and St Bonaventure, as the treasure-house of all things that are good. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare, St. Aloysius of Gonzaga invoked it unceasingly, as the centre and focus of the divine love. And this loving Heart was given to St. Mechtildis as a place of refuge during her life, and her greatest consolation at the hour of her death.

Prayer.— O Lord, I implore thee, by the precious blood which flowed forth from the pierced side of Jesus, thy divine Son, set free the holy souls in purgatory, especially those who during their life were most devout to his Sacred Heart; that they may enter into the kingdom of thy glory, and begin to praise and bless thee for evermore in the assembly of thy saints. Amen.

Invocation. — " O pierced Heart, O Heart ever open, of my Redeemer! O blissful abode of souls that are smitten with heavenly love! disdain not to take up into thee my unworthy soul!" (St. Alphonsus.}

Practice. — Imitate the zeal of the Heart of Jesus for the salvation of souls, by being faithful to the threefold apostolate of prayer, example, and good advice.

Aspiration. — O Mary, we offer thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Receive it, O most tender Mother, and together with it the hearts of all thy children, whose motto shall ever be, All to the Heart of Jesus through the immaculate heart of Mary!

Resolution. — I will show my zeal for the worship of the Sacred Heart by distributing pictures of it, and by diffusing a knowledge of those practices which are fitted to make it known and loved. During the month of June, and on the first Friday of every month, if there, he a lamp burning before the image of the Sacred Heart in church, I will contribute towards its expense. It shall be the outward token of my love, the pledge of my devotedness, and the expression of my gratitude towards this adorable Heart.