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We beseech thee, Lord, pardon the shortcomings of thy servants ; that we who by our works are not able to please thee, may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen.

O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all the faithful, graciously look down upon thy servant Leo, whom thou hast chosen to be the pastor of thy Church ; and grant him, we beseech thee, both by word and example, so to direct those over whom thou hast placed him, that, together with the flock intrusted to his care, he may attain eternal life.

O God, our refuge and strength, who art the Author of all holiness, listen to the pious prayers of thy Church, and grant that what we ask in faith we may effectually obtain. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

2th Day, Aug. 7

Veni Sancte and Hymn.


She died in the midst of the Apostles, her Son Jesus assisting.

LET us meditate how glorious Mary was at her death, in that she was comforted not only by the apostles and saints, but also by her dear Son Jesus; and while we contemplate the unspeakable joy which filled her soul at this grace granted alone to her, let us entreat her for ourselves:

1. Glorious Virgin, who for thy consolation didst merit to die in the blessed company of apostles and of saints; obtain for us, that when we breathe forth our souls we may feel thy presence, and that of our holy patrons, assisting us. Three Hail Marys.

2. Glorious Virgin, who at the moment of thy death wast comforted by the sight of thy dear Son Jesus; oh, pray for us, that at that awful moment we too may be comforted by receiving Jesus in the most holy Viaticum. Three Hail Marys.

3. Glorious Virgin, who didst deposit thy spirit into