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V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.

R. That we may be made worthy of his promises.

Almighty and eternal God, who in thine own marvellous goodness and pity didst, for the common salvation of mar, choose the glorious, archangel Michael to be the Prince of thy Church; make us worthy, we pray thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that at the hour of our death no one of them may approach to harm us, and that by the same archangel Michael we may be introduced into the presence of thy high and heavenly majesty; Through the merits of the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines each time for the following hymn.

A plenary indulgence once a month if said daily, after confession and communion, and prayers for the usual intentions. The same on the Feasts of St. Michael, May 18 and Sept. 29; St. Gabriel, March 18; St. Raphael, October 24; Holy Angel Guardians, October 2.

To gain these indulgences, a Chaplet must be used consisting of nine Pater nosters, and three Ave Marias after each Pater noster, with few Pater nosters at the end; the above corresponding salutations being said at the same time in their proper order, with the antiphon and prayer also: given above. These Chaplets must be blessed by the priest who has obtained faculties for this purpose.

O Jesu, life spring of the soul,
  The Father's pow'r and glory bright!
Thee with the angels we extol;
  From thee, they draw their life and light.

Thy thousand thousand hosts are spread,
  Embattled o'er the azure sky
But Michael bears thy standard dread,
  And lifts the mighty cross on high.

He in that sign the rebel powers
  Did with their dragon prince expel;
And hurl'd them from the heaven's high towers.
  Down like a thunderbolt to hell.