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therefore we humbly pray and beseech thee here on earth, that giving us time to pray for pardon thou wouldst give us also forgiveness, of our sins. Through our Lord, Jesus, Christ. Amen.

2. Take away, merciful Lord all errors from thy 'faithful people, avert from them the sudden destruction of the wasting pestilence; and those whose wanderings thou dost justly chastise, do thou mercifully pity when corrected. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Sin no longer, O my soul; think upon; the sudden change from sin to endless torments. There, in hell, penance is not accepted and tears profit not. Turn, then, whilst thou hast time; cry out and say, Have mercy upon me, O my God.

In the midst of life we are in death; but to whom can we look to be our helper save thee, O Lord, who art justly angry with us because of our sins? O holy God, holy and strong, holy and merciful Saviour, deliver us not over to a bitter death.

V Lest, overtaken, by the day of death, we seek time for penance, and be unable to find it.

R. Hearken, O Lord, and have mercy on us; for we have sinned against thee.

3. We beseech thee, Almighty God, receive in thy fatherly pity thy people who flee unto thee from thine anger; that those who fear to be chastised by the rod of thy majesty through sudden deathy may be made worthy to rejoice in thy pardon. Though our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.

4. We beseech thee, Almighty God, graciously incline thine ear to the assembly of thy Church, and let thy mercy to us go before thine anger; for if thou shouldst mark iniquities, there shall no creature be able to stand before thee: but in that same admirable charity whereby thou didst create us, pardon us sinners, and destroy not the work of thine own hands by sudden death. Through our lord Jesus Christ &c.

5. Hear our prayers, O Lord, and enter not into judgment with Thy servants; for, knowing that there is no justice in us on which we can dare to presume, We acknowledge no other fount of mercy whereby we can he washed from our sins, delivered from our infirmities, and espcially from unprepared death, but only Thou, O Lord. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

6. O God, before whom every heart trembles and ever conscience is awed; show forth Thy mercy upon us Thy suppliants, that we who trust not in the excellence of our own merit, may never experience unprepared death, but may receive Thy pardon. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.