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The Prayer.

Most Holy Virgin, more than martyr, by that ardent prayer which, thy beloved Son poured forth unto his Father in the garden; vouchsafe to intercede for us, that our passions being reduced to the obedience of reason, we may always, and in all things, conform and subject ourselves to the will of God. Amen.

II. The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar.

Let us contemplate, in this mystery, how our Lord Jesus Christ was so cruelly scouraged in Pilate’s house; the number of stripes they gave him being about five thousand, as it was revealed to St. Bridget,

Our Father, &c.

By the cords that, round thee cast,
Bound thee to the pillar fast;
By the scourage so meekly borne;
By thy purple robe of scorn;
  Jesu, Saviour, &c.

The Prayer.

O Mother of God, overflowing fountain of patience, by those stripes thy only and most beloved Son vouchsafed to suffer for us; obtain of him for us grace, that we may know how to mortify our rebellious senses, and cut off all occasions of sinning with that sword of grief and compassion which pierced thy most tender soul. Amen.

III. The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns.

Let us contemplate, in this mystery, How those cruel ministers of Satan plaited a crown of sharp thorns, and most cruelly pressed it on the sacred head of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father, &c.

By the thorns that crown'd thy head;
By thy sceptre of a reed;
By thy foes, on bending knee,
Mocking at thy royalty;
  Jesu, Saviour, &c.