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Sancte Benedicte, Ora. St. Benedict,
Sancte Francisce, Ora. St. Francis,
Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremite, Orate. All ye holy Monks and hermits,
Sancta Maria Magdalena, Ora. St. Mary Magdalen,
Sancta Lucia, Ora. St. Lucy,
Omnes sancta Virgines et Viduae, Orate. All ye holy Virgins and Widows, Pray for us.
Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Dei All ye Saints of God,
Intercedite pro nobis. Intercede for us.
Propitius esto, Be merciful unto us,
Parce nobis Domine Spare us, O Lord.
Propitius esto, Be merciful unto us,
Exaudi nos Domine. Hear us, O Lord
Propitius esto. Be merciful unto us,
Ab ira tua, From thy anger
A periculo mortis, From the peril of death,
A mala morte, From an evil death.
A poenis inferni, From the pains of hell, O Lord, deliver us.
Ab omni malo, From all evil,
A potestate diaboli, From the power of the devil,
Per nativitátem tuam. By thy nativity,
Per crucem et passiónem tuam. By thy Cross and Passion.
Per mortem et sepultúram tuam. By thy Death and Burial.
Per gloriósum resurrectionem tuam. By thy glorious resurrection,
Per admirabilem ascensionem tuam, By thy admirable ascention.
Per gratiam Spiritus Sancti Paracliti, By the grace of the Holy Ghost the Paraclete,
In die judicii, In the day of judgment,
Peccatores, Te reganded vedi nos. We sinners, beseech thee to hear us.
Ut nobis parcas, That thou wouldst spare us.
Ut ad veram poenitentian nos perducere digneris, That thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring us unto true penance. We beseech thee to hear us.
Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy on us.
Christe eleison Christ have mercy on us.
Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy on us.