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with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy afflicted Mother. I humbly beg pardon for my sins, which I deplore beyond all imaginable evils, because they offend thee, O infinite goodness; and I resolve never more to sin. Vouchsafe to convert all sinners, and to make them understand the heinousness and the enormity of mortal sin.

Our Father, &c Hail Mary, &c Glory be, &c

Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas
   Cordi mea valide.

Holy Mother, pierce me through,
In my heart each wound renew
  Of my Saviour crucified.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the sacred wound of thy right foot. I thank thee for the pain which thou didst endure with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy afflicted Mother. Grant me strength against all temptations, and prompt obedience in the execution of thy holy will. Comfort, O Jesus, all the poor, the miserable, and the afflicted; all who are tempted or persecuted. Most just Judge, govern those who administer justice, and assist all those who labour in the care of souls.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c Glory be, &c

Holy Mother, &c

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the sacred wound of thy left hand. I thank thee for the pain which thou didst endure with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy afflicted Mother. Deliver me from the pains of hell; grant me patience in the adversities of this life, and conformity in all things to thy blessed will. I offer unto thee all my sufferings both of mind and body, in satisfaction for my sins, which have so often deserved eternal torments. Pardon all my enemies, and all those who bear ill-will against me. Grant patience to the sick, and restore them to health; and support with thy assisting grace all who are in their agony, that they may not perish.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, he. Glory be, &c

Sancta Mater, &c.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the sacred wound of thy right hand. I thank thee for the pain which thou didst endure with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy afflicted Mother. Grant me a resolute will to seek after all things which concern my salvation. Grant me the grace of final perseverance, that I may secure the enjoyment of that glory which was purchased at the price of thy most precious blood. Grant likewise, O Jesus, peace and relief to the souls in purgatory, and daily advance