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For our Enemies.

(St. Gertrude.)

O Lord Jesus, in union with that love and that surpassing sweetness with which, amidst the unutterable anguish and sorrows of thy Passion, thou didst pray for those who crucified thee, saying, “Father, forgive them,” I beseech thee with all the love of my heart that thou wouldst now vouchsafe to forgive all who have ever or in any way offended against me. Amen.

A Prayer in Sickness or Affliction.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I receive this sickness [or, this affliction], with which thou art pleased to visit me, as coming from thy fatherly hand. It is thy will, and therefore I submit; my will, but thine be done.” May it be to the honour of thy holy name, and for the good of my soul. I here offer myself with an entire submission to all thine appointments; to suffer whatever thou pleasest, as long as thou pleasest, and in what manner thou pleasest; for I am a creature, O Lord, who has often and most ungratefully offended thee, and whom thou mightst justly have visited with thy severest punishments. Oh, let thy justice be tempered with mercy, and let thy heavenly grace come to my assistance to support me under this affliction! Confirm my soul with strength from above, that I may bear with true Christian patience all the uneasiness, pains, disquiets, and troubles under which I labour; preserve me from all temptations and murmuring thoughts, that in this time of affliction I may in no way offend thee; and grant that this and all other earthly trials may be the means of preparing my soul for its passage into eternity, that, being purified from all my sins, I may believe in thee, hope in thee, love thee above all things, and finally, through thy infinite merits, be admitted into the company of the blessed in heaven, there to praise thee for ever and ever. Amen.

Daily Intention.

(B. Leonard.)

O my eternal God, behold me now prostrate before thy immense majesty in humblest adoration. I offer thee all my thoughts, words, and actions of this day; and I intend to do all for thy love, for thy glory, to fulfil thy divine will, to serve thee, to praise thee, and to bless thee; to be enlight-