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be believed, and this because God who is the sovereign truth, who can neither deceive nor be deceived, has revealed all these things to this his Church.

C. Grant, O God, that we may humbly receive and firmly hold fast all those truths which thou hast revealed, and which thy Church has proposed to our belief.

An Act of Hope.

O my God, relying on thy almighty power and thy infinite mercy and goodness, and because thou art faithful to thy promises, I trust in thee that thou wilt grant me forgiveness of my sins, through the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son; and that thou wilt give me the assistance of thy grace, with which I may labour to continue to the end in the diligent exercise of all good works, and may deserve to obtain the glory which thou hast promised in heaven.

C. This hope thus founded on thy mercy, thy power, and thy promises, still more, O God, confirm and strengthen in us.

An Act of Charity.

O Lord, my God, I love thee with my whole heart; and above all things because thou, O God, art the sovereign good, and for thy own infinite perfections art most worthy of all love; and for thy sake, I also love my neighbour as myself.

C. Thus only, O God, can we satisfy our duty of loving thee above all things, and our neighbour as ourselves.

An Act of Contrition.

O my God, who art infinitely good, and always hatest sin, I beg pardon from my heart for all my offences against thee; I detest them all and am heartily sorry for them, because they offend thy infinite goodness, and I firmly resolve by the help of thy grace never more to offend thee, and carefully to avoid the occasions of sin.

C. Wherefore, O God, we come before thee this day, to beg pardon for all our past transgressions, and to implore thine assistance for the time to come.

And now, O God, calling to mind with the greatest gratitude the blessed passion and death of thy Son Christ our Lord, as also his resurrection from the dead, and his glorious ascension into heaven, we prepare to offer to thy divine Ma-