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Part IV.

he abandoned himself to the transports of his love; and his heart was so full of tenderness, that he was forced to let fall some tears: but those tears were such as grief alone could not shed; they had a mixture of sweetness and pleasure in them, which is to be found only in love.

He set himself to recall to mind all the actions of madam de Cleves ever since he had been in love with her; her cruelty and rigour, and that modesty and decency of behaviour she had always observed towards him, though she loved him; For, after all, she loves me, said he, she loves me; I cannot doubt of it; the deepest engagements and the greatest favours are not more certain proofs than those I have had. In the mean time, I am treated with the same rigour as if I were hated; I hoped something from time, but I have no reason to expect it any longer; I see her always equally on her guard against me and against herself; if I were not loved, I should make it my business to please; but I do please; she loves me, and tries to hide it from me. What have I then to hope, and what change am I to expect in my fortune? Though I am loved by the most amiable person in the world, I am under that excess of passion which proceeds from the first certainty of being loved by her, only to make me more sensible of being ill used. Let me see that you love me, fair princess, cried he, make me acquainted with your sentiments; provided I know them once in my life from you, I am content that you resume for ever the cruelties with which you oppress me; look upon me, at least, with the same eyes with which I saw you look that night upon my picture; could you behold that with such sweet complacency, and yet avoid me with so much cruelty? What are you afraid of? Why does my love appear so terrible to you? You love me, and you endeavour in vain to conceal it; you have even given me involuntary proofs of it; I know my happiness; permit me to enjoy it, and cease to make me unhappy. Is it possible I should be loved by the princess